21 Jun 2018

Pros and Cons of Buying a New Piano

At Chicago Piano Tuners, we know that investing in piano is a big decision. When it comes to buying a piano, you can basically go in one of two directions, new or used. There are pros and cons of buying a new piano that we’re going to explore in this article.

Pro – Never Been Used

Similar to buying a car new, buying a piano new comes with the peace of mind that no one except you has used this piano. This means that it’s never been damaged or repaired. A piano that had been damaged or repaired, could bring more problems depending on the extent of the prior damage and the quality of the repair.

Pro – Warranty Included

A new piano likely comes with a warranty. It could even have two warranties, one from the manufacturer, and one from the store. Warranties from manufacturers commonly cover up to three years. Knowing that your piano will be covered for three years is reassuring when shelling out a hefty chunk of change for a new piano. If the piano is also covered by the store warranty, be sure to read the fine print and ask for the warranty in writing. Don’t be afraid to ask any questions for clarity purpose.

Pro – Safe start for a new pianist.

If you’re purchasing this piano for a new player, a new piano can ensure a positive new experience. If a student begins playing on a used piano, and the piano is out of tune, it can be discouraging and could result in a student blaming themselves for the unpleasant sounds or giving up due to frustration. Either way, we’d love to take a look at the piano and make sure it is properly tuned!

Con – The cost of a new piano.

We like to believe that most piano manufacturers are doing right by their customers and providing a quality product. In this case, you get what you pay for. New pianos can bring a hefty price tag, starting at around $3,000 for an upright. Grand pianos can range from $15,000 to $30,000. Don’t be dissuaded by this con of buying a new piano right away. Do your research and keep your eyes peeled.

Con – The character of a used piano.

There’s a certain charm and character that comes with a used piano that you won’t experience if you buy a new piano. There’s a reason we gravitate toward antiques and vintage style; pre-owned items hold history and stories that newer versions don’t have, and may never have. If you enjoy vintage, or the smell of old wood, an older piano is an option. However, be careful and know what you’re buying. Make sure the price tag matches the quality. If the character isn’t a big deal to you, this may not be a true con to buying a new piano.

Overall, either route to your piano acquisition will bring with pros and cons. Buying a new piano comes with some of the pros and cons listed here, and you should take these into consideration when determining where to begin your piano buying journey.

Caleb CrockettPros and Cons of Buying a New Piano
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